
Consciousness insights, Julian Jaynes bicameral mind theory review

First, some recent insights on what it means to be uniquely human:


Next, a review of a work thoroughly understood and leveraged by Dr. Wallace and Mark Hamilton, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind:


This is how important Dr. Wallace saw Jaynes' work:

A person could make an excellent bet by wagering a hundred ounces of gold that Julian Jaynes's book, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind will someday rank among the ten most important books ever written. ...Jaynes's book signals the end of a 10,000-year reign of authoritarian institutions. His book also marks the beginning of a new era of individual consciousness during which people will increasingly act on the authority of their own brains. That movement toward self-responsibility will increasingly weaken the influences of external or mystical "authorities" such as government and religion.

source:  Neo-Tech III information package